- Book lending is carried out by student ID cards and personnel ID cards provided by Osmaniye Korkut Ata University.
- Academic staff and doctoral students10 books for 30 days
Graduate students have 10 books for 30 days
Undergraduate students have 5 books for 15 days
Administrative staff 5 books for 30 days
- The period of borrowing of the most widely read books is 15 days for everyone.
- If the long-term borrowed books are not returned on the date of return, the daily delay will be 25 Kr. Those who do not pay the delay cannot borrow materials until they have made the payment.
- Readers pay the price of the delayed books to the library in cash for a receipt.
- Readers have the right to extend the duration of their borrowed books twice. Materials returned by another reader will not be extended.
- Readers can book books borrowed by another reader from their own accounts.
- Users inside or outside the library for any reason damaging the information sources shouldcome to the library to fill in the ıp Minutes of Loss ve and provide the latest edition if the pressure of the information source continues, if not, delay payment and the current amount together with the transaction fee.
- Our library also serves users from outside the university. Library resources are not loaned to users from outside the university. However, they can photocopy the required part of the material they want.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL):
Books that are not available in our library but are available in other university information centers are provided by the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) method and are lent to our users. Academic staff, graduate and doctorate students can benefit from this service.
** ILL requests can only be made by ILL librarians.
Reference Resources:
Books and theses and standards in the reference collection are not borrowed. These resources can be used in the Library by photocopying.
Printed Magazines, newspapers, theses, rare works, CD-ROMs (without book supplement), reference sources are not borrowed.
Group Working Rooms Rules of Use:
- Anyone who has an OKU ID card can benefit from the Group Study Rooms.
- If the group study room is booked by appointment, it is 15 min. Inside the room key must be taken. If not, the appointment is canceled.
- The room key is provided in return for the ID of the users who wish to benefit from the room.
- Rooms can be used for a maximum of 3 hours.
- Minimum 2, maximum 5 people can use.
- Group study room goods and equipment should be used with care and clean. Chair entry-exit should not be made from other halls to the room.
- The loudness in the room should be such that it does not affect other users and services.
- After use, the equipment of the room is left as received. Users who leave ID are responsible for the rooms and equipment.
- After the use of the room is completed, the keys and additional equipment are delivered and IDs are taken.
- No food and beverage (except water).
- No books should be left in the study rooms.
- If the usage rules are not followed, the room allocation is canceled.
- Users who have expired must submit the room. If you want to extend the time, the person is interviewed.
- In case the room key is lost, the University must pay the penalty determined by the Executive Board. Otherwise the identity will not be returned.
- Do not attempt to disconnect or repair any equipment in the room.
- After use, garbage must be disposed of in the trash.
- The person who borrows the room is responsible for the regular leaving of the room.
- The user is responsible for leaving the publications taken to the room to the tables in the hall.
- The rooms are visible from the outside and the curtains (blinds) should not be interfered.
Rules of use of carrells (single study rooms):
- Anyone who has an OKU ID card can benefit from Carrell Rooms.
- All users who want to benefit from carrells.
- The carrells can be used for a maximum of 3 hours.
- The carrells are single.
- Too many chairs cannot be brought to carrells.
- Foods and beverages (except water) should not be entered in squares.
- If carrell is found not to be used by the borrower, it can be borrowed for use by another user.
- About those who damage library material and belongings Library regulations and University Board Decision are applied.
- The rooms are visible from the outside, the curtains (blinds should be open) should not be interfered.
Tablet PC Rules of Use:
- Tablet PCs are lent for 3 hours; and the loan period cannot be extended.
- Users can borrow tablet PCs with valid ID cards.
- Some or all of the tablet PCs are used for this purpose on the days of user training activities in the library.
- Tablet PCs are borrowed from the Reader Services Unit and only on weekdays (except on public holidays). During the lending process, all controls of the tablet PC are performed by the personnel with the user.
- Borrowed tablet PCs can only be used in the main building of the library; it cannot be moved outside the library building.
- No programs, applications, files, screen savers, etc. on borrowed tablet PCs. cannot be deleted, modified, loaded.
- The user must deliver the borrowed tablet PC at 17:00 during the day. During the return process, all controls of the tablet PC are performed by the personnel together with the user.
- Under no circumstances should the user leave the borrowed PC unattended.
- In case of late return of tablet PCs, the hourly delay penalty is as determined by the University Administrative Board Decision.
- In the f loss of one of the tablet PCs and (or) additional equipment, the rules determined by the University Administrative Board Decision shall apply.
For Borrowed Group Work Rooms and Carrells;
- Loss of keys of borrowed working rooms and squares, 5.00 TL;
- Hourly delay of Borrowed Group Rooms and Squares is 3.00 TL;
For Tablet PC;
- In case of loss 1144.00 TL;
- In case of loss of the charging adapter; 30.00 TL;
- Tablet PC As hourly delay; 5.00 TL will be charged.
In case it is determined that the usage rules are not followed;
- Allocation of study rooms is canceled.
- 15 days if it is not used clean and / or noise is detected;* In case of abuse, treatment and / or equipment damage contrary to the code of ethics;
- 1 month at first detection;
- 2 months at detection;
- In the third determination, they cannot benefit from Karel, group study halls and tablet pc services for 6 months.
For Tablet PC, Karel and Group Study Rooms, please apply to 1st Floor Desk.
Görüntülenme Sayısı: 1461